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What are the stages in a Divorce?

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There are different stages in a Divorce proceeding in Singapore.

A brief summary of the stages in a Divorce is:

  1. STAGE 1 – Interim Judgment: The Family Court grants your Divorce by issuing an Interim Judgment of Divorce. This is the end of the first stage of your Divorce proceedings in Singapore.
  2. STAGE 2 – Ancillary Matters: Ancillary Matters are issues relating to the children, property, and maintenance. Ancillary Matters are generally handled after the Interim Judgment is issued. This is the second stage of Divorce proceedings in Singapore.
  3. STAGE 3 – Final Judgment: After the Court has handled all the Ancillary Matters in a Divorce, or for three months, whichever is later, the Court will issue a Certificate of Making Interim Judgment Final (or Final Judgment). You can only remarry after obtaining Final Judgment.
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